Veg Item. Veg manchuria. Costs: 270 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Schezwan veg. Costs: 270 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Ginger veg. Costs: 270 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Paneer 65. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Chilli paneer. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Paneer manchuria. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Paneer majestic. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Ginger paneer. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Schezwan paneer. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Babycorn manchuria. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Babycorn 65. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Chilli babycorn. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Babycorn majestic. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Schezwan babycorn. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Mushroom 65. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Chilli mushroom. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Babycorn mushroom. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.
Veg Item. Mushroom manchuria. Costs: 310 rupees, Swipe right to add item to cart.