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Lemongrass Tea

Serves 3
15 mins
2 Kcal
This refreshing and aromatic lemongrass tea recipe has several health benefits while also having a delightful taste. Lemongrass, whose citrusy fragrance and subtlety in taste make it an excellent primary ingredient for this tea, makes it soothing and invigorating at the same time. Preparation is simple, yet the result is a tea that can relax your mind and body while at the same time boosting your immunity. To prepare this recipe of lemongrass tea, the fresh lemongrass stalks need to be crushed lightly to allow the natural oils that are inside them to come out; this will give the tea a much deeper and richer flavour. In this step, stalks will be simmered in water, and infusing it with water so that a fragrant base is created for the tea. If you like it to be zestier or cooler, you can have a little ginger or mint thrown into the tea. The tea is usually given a sweetening after simmering based on the choice of honey, sugar, or some natural sweeteners like stevia. Some folks like it with a splash of milk in it; others like it as an herbal tea. When made both hot and iced, this lemongrass tea recipe is really versatile. Lemongrass tea is anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, and can even make digestion easier. This makes it not only a tasty drink but also an excellent health-promoting one. So enjoy this revivifying and healthy tea after the long day you had. Serve your guests and make them feel so much more renewed and revitalized.

Ingredients required for Lemongrass Tea

  1. 3-4 lemongrass stalks
  2. 2 bags tea bags
  3. 1 tbsp ginger
  4. 1/2 cup milk
  5. 2 tsp honey

Cooking steps for Lemongrass Tea

  1. 1
    First and foremost, one has to bruise the lemongrass stalk. The citrus-like flavour with its strong aroma is released when lemongrass is brewed after the stalks of the herb have been thoroughly bruised.
  2. 2
    Thus, take the lemongrass stalk and, using the side of a knife, gently press down on it.
  3. 3
    This helps to tear apart the fibrous layers and allows the essential oils and flavour to penetrate the tea quite easily.
  4. 4
    Bruising is a simple technique but very effective in extracting all the flavours from the lemongrass, which would further enrich the taste of the tea.
  5. 5
    Once bruised, the process of boiling now begins with the lemongrass.
  6. 6
    Pour in enough water to fill the number of cups you will be serving, and add fresh, cut lemongrass.
  7. 7
    The amount of lemongrass used can be as per your liking. You could use more for a stronger taste of lemongrass or fewer stalks if you prefer it lighter.
  8. 8
    Boil over medium heat. As the water begins to boil, the essential oils of the lemongrass will begin to come out and fill your kitchen with a very agreeable, citrusy aroma.
  9. 9
    Place the lemongrass in the water and let it begin boiling before adding your tea. You might want loose tea, tea leaves, or even a tea bag - whichever floats your boat.
  10. 10
    Any black or green tea will do the job with lemongrass, though black tea is used much more because of its stronger flavour.
  11. 11
    If you also enjoy a bit of spice in your tea, you might also toss in some ginger here.
  12. 12
    Grated or finely chopped ginger adds heat but also spice and goes very well with lemongrass. Just add a small piece of fresh ginger to the boiling water, along with the tea.
  13. 13
    Together with the two, the combination of lemongrass and ginger is so flavourful, in addition to its health benefits of aiding digestion and boosting immunity.
  14. 14
    Add the tea and ginger, then lower the heat and simmer for around 7-10 minutes. The simmering process allows flavours to deepen and well blend.
  15. 15
    Simmer for longer for better flavour. This is where the water extracts most of the lemongrass, ginger, and tea flavours. Simmering will not be long if a light brew is preferred; however, simmering should be around 10 minutes for full-bodied flavour.
  16. 16
    As it heats up, the water will stain with the appetizing colour of the tea, and the air will be filled with the fragrant aroma of lemongrass and ginger.
  17. 17
    When the liquid has boiled, then you can add milk. You can choose to add as much or as little milk as you desire. Some prefer it creamier, while others just a splash.
  18. 18
    Adding milk not only smoothes and enriches the taste of the tea but also masks the pungency of the tea and the ginger.
  19. 19
    Let the mixture steam for a couple of minutes after adding the milk while stirring occasionally.
  20. 20
    The milk mixes with both the tea and lemongrass, creating the smoothness of the drink.
  21. 21
    Finally, get ready with your sweetener of choice to add to your lemongrass tea. This is optional and entirely up to personal preference.
  22. 22
    You could use honey, sugar, stevia, or even erythritol when you're in the mood for a lower-calorie drink.
  23. 23
    Honey imparts a subtle floral sweetness that blends perfectly with the earthy flavour of the lemongrass.
  24. 24
    Sugar imparts a more direct sweetness. Stir the sweetener into the tea until it's completely dissolved. You may adjust the sweetness to taste.
  25. 25
    Lemongrass tea is so versatile and refreshing, you can enjoy it at any moment.
  26. 26
    The citrus flavours that lemongrass has, combined with the richness of the tea and milk, are very unique and fulfilling.
  27. 27
    Adding a splash of ginger not only enhances the flavour of this tea but its health properties as well.
  28. 28
    Whether you make it for yourself or offer it to your guests, this lemongrass tea recipe is sure to captivate you with its fragrance, flavourful taste, and soothing properties.
  29. 29
    So go ahead, take out your fresh, brewed cup of lemongrass tea, and add a touch of sweetness to enjoy the perfect comfort-refresher drink.

Shop Ingredients

Milk (1/2 cup)
Honey (2 Tsp)
Ginger (1 Tbsp)


What are the health benefits of lemongrass tea?

Many health benefits have been found in lemongrass tea, such as its high antioxidant properties that fight free radicals in the body. It has also been known for its anti-inflammatory effects, which help digestion and relieve bloating in the body. Lemongrass can also be important in minimising anxiety and bringing down stress levels due to the fragrance and mood-enhancing properties of lemongrass. Healthy cholesterol levels are some benefits of regular intake while improving overall well-being.

How do I prepare lemongrass tea?

The preparation of the lemongrass tea will only take a few minutes. It requires cleaning up and cutting the stalks of the lemongrass, slicing them into pieces so that the flavour comes out, putting water to boil in a pot, placing sliced lemongrass into the boiling water, and letting it steep for 10-15 minutes. A ginger, honey, or even lime juice is to be added to the flavour. Prepare the tea, and it can be served in a cup as a hot drink or chilled drink.

Can I use dried lemongrass to make lemongrass tea?

Yes, one can even prepare tea by dried lemongrass. Though it tastes much more vibrant and fresh, if you do not want the mess of preparing fresh lemongrass, then dried lemongrass is an easier alternative that still gives a refreshing taste. You can use around one tablespoon for every cup of boiling water and steep for around 5 to 10 minutes. Use according to your preferred taste. Dried lemongrass can be brewed just like fresh lemongrass; hence, it can be considered a convenient option for tea lovers.
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