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Ragi Malt Drink

Serves 1
5 mins
79 Kcal
Ragi Malt Drink is a healthy and wholesome drink extracted from ragi or finger millet. This drink is consumed by people all over India, specifically in southern parts, for its flavour and nutrition. Ragi is a power grain that contains calcium, iron, dietary fibre, and essential amino acids. This is the reason why ragi is suitable for all individuals, regardless of their age, and especially for growing children and adults needing a natural boost in energy. The original recipe for ragi malt drink traditionally entails cooking ragi flour in water or milk to produce a thickness of smooth consistency. The mixture is sweetened with jaggery or sugar according to the choice and flavoured with cardamom or a pinch of cinnamon for extra zing. In some of the variations of the ragi malt drink recipe, a handful of roasted nuts or dry fruits like almonds or cashews is added, adding texture as well as nutrition to the drink. The other main reason ragi malt drink is popular is its versatility. It can be hot or cold and hence suits all seasons. Hot ragi malt is a beautiful comfort drink in the winter, whereas cold ragi malt served over ice in the summer gives one a refreshing feeling. This drink also proves to be the best natural energy drink- a steady release of energy without the plummeting crash associated with sugary drinks. Ragi malt drink is the most accessible beverage that can be prepared at home. It offers a delightful taste while keeping the consumer refreshed and feeling satisfied.

Ingredients required for Ragi Malt Drink

  1. 2 tbsp ragi flour
  2. 2 tsp jaggery powder

Cooking steps for Ragi Malt Drink

  1. 1
    Ragi malt is a healthy drink commonly drunk in India. It is made from ragi (finger millet) flour and is also known for its high calcium, iron, and fibre content.
  2. 2
    Start by gathering your main ingredient: 2 Tbsps of sprouted or plain ragi flour. Sprouted ragi flour is generally used, considering its nutrient-rich nature, which increases the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals from the sprouting process.
  3. 3
    You can also use plain ragi flour if sprouted flour isn't available.
  4. 4
    In a small bowl, put in the ragi flour.
  5. 5
    To this, add only 1/4 cup of water, just sufficient to make a smooth, lump-free paste. Mix it well so that no lumps are there in the flour.
  6. 6
    Once the paste is ready, set it aside.
  7. 7
    In a little saucepan, boil 3/4 cup of water. When it boils, please turn off the stove and let it sit for a minute or two.
  8. 8
    Place the saucepan on a low to medium flame and stir while cooking this mixture. When that water gets heated, the ragi flour gets thickened and forms a porridge-like consistency. Continue to stir over the heat so it doesn't stick at the bottom of the pan and to cook evenly. Ragi flour cooks pretty fast.
  9. 9
    Within about 3-4 minutes, you will find it thickened well enough to be consistent. Add a little water to level it if it reaches a too-thick consistency.
  10. 10
    Once the ragi flour is well cooked, add the sweetener. For a rich, natural sweetness, 2 Tsps of jaggery powder can be added to the ragi mixture.
  11. 11
    It is often used in Indian recipes because it has a deep flavour and several health benefits, including digestion and being a good source of iron. You can also use sugar, but jaggery gives the drink a more rustic flavour.
  12. 12
    Stir in the jaggery powder well into the cooked mixture of ragi so that it dissolves completely.
  13. 13
    It should be removed from the fire when ragi malt is smooth and creamy.
  14. 14
    To increase its sweetness, add more jaggery or sugar if needed.
  15. 15
    Pour the ragi malt into the glass and garnish with a sprinkle of cardamom powder or a few slivers of almonds for that extra flavoured and crunch, but don't overdo it.
  16. 16
    Not only does this ragi malt drink taste very tasty, but it is an excellent source of nutrition, too. It makes a wonderful morning beverage or even an evening drink.
  17. 17
    They are calcium and iron-filled and full of fibre, which ensures your bones grow healthy, boosts your energy level, and maintains digestive health. The recipe of Ragi Malt Drink offers a healthy and soothing beverage, perfect for boosting energy and supporting overall health.

Shop Ingredients

Ragi Flour (2 Tbsp)
Jaggery Powder (2 Tsp)


What is Ragi Malt Drink?

Ragi Malt is a healthy drink prepared from ragi (finger millet), as this whole grain is packed with loads of iron, calcium, and fibre. It is made by roasting ragi flour and then mixed with water or milk for a smooth drink consistency. This is often sweetened with jaggery or sugar and flavoureded with cardamom or other spices for extra flavoured. Ragi malt is very much in vogue among the South Indians and is used because it has cooling properties. It is an excellent breakfast drink, besides being an energy drink.

What are the health benefits of Ragi Malt?

Ragi Malt is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Ragi is a good source of calcium, which helps strengthen bones. It is also a good iron supplier, preventing the onset of anaemia. This cereal possesses high amounts of fibre that aids in digestion and keeps the gut healthy. Ragi also has a low glycemic index, making it a very good choice for diabetes patients because it regulates the blood sugar level. The antioxidants in ragi also help keep one healthy and fit.

Is it possible to make Ragi Malt without milk?

Yes, it is simple to prepare a vegan version of Ragi Malt by replacing milk with coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, or any other plant-based milk. Process the same as discussed above: Mix ragi flour with water or any choice of plant-based milk, sweeteners, and spices. It makes it quite viable for lactose intolerant and vegan people while providing all health benefits to ragi.
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