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Dairy, Bread and Eggs 285 items List of all available cateogies
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Everyone’s favourite, butter is a creamy, yellow-to-white solid made from churning the cream of milk. It is a versatile product that serves as both a spread and a cooking fat. There are various types of butter available online in Vadodara at Swiggy Instamart from popular brands such as Amul Butter and more. Buying butter online offers convenience and flexibility, allowing you to choose just the right amount you need. So, enjoy the buttery experience by shopping on Swiggy Instamart for butter in Vadodara!
A single tablespoon of unsalted butter online in Vadodara contains:
102 calories
12 grams of fat
0 grams of carbohydrates, fibre, sugar, and protein
Butter is also a source of essential nutrients, including:
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
While butter is calorie-dense and high in fat, it can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It is purposely healthy for kids who find bread and butter as their saviour.