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Fill a pot with water to cover the noodles completely, then place it over high heat and boil it vigorously. After vigorous boiling of the water, add 100 gms of Chinese Bhel and stir gently so that they don't cling to each other.
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Cook according to the packet instructions. Chinese Bhel is usually ready within 3 to 5 minutes. You want them al dente-cooked - firm to bite through. When the cooking time is up, drain the noodles immediately in a colander to get rid of the hot water.
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It would be best if you prevented them from sticking together by rinsing the noodles with cold running water for a few seconds. This will wash away the starches and cool down the process. Once they are washed, allow them to remain in the colander for a few minutes until they drain off all the water.
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Now, let us prepare the boiled noodles into crispy treats. Enough oil needs to be heated in a kadai or a deep frying pan to fully submerge the noodles. To check if the oil is ready, there should be sizzling immediately after the little piece of noodle touches the oil.
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Make sure that your oil is hot, and in batches, add them to the deep frying oil and fry them for some 3 to 4 minutes, stirring them from time to time with a slotted spoon so that they acquire an appetizing golden brown colour and become crispy. Observe closely after it becomes crispy; it burns up quickly.
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Once the noodles are cooked, scoop them out from the oil using a slotted spoon to let the excess oil drip off. Put the crisp noodles onto a plate lined up with paper towels. This helps to absorb leftover oil that would help in gaining crunchiness.
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As the noodles are cooling and getting crispy within this time, it is time for the vegetable mix to be prepared.
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This vegetable mix adds colour to the dish and provides a refreshing crunch. Do not shy away from mixing the vegetables of your preference or what is available. You could even throw in bell peppers, broccoli, or snap peas for some real variety.
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Prepare another bowl for the sauce that holds everything together.
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The sauce is full of sweetness, heat, and acidity that would make it lovely on the crunchy noodles and vegetables. If you prefer a spicier taste, simply increase the red chilli sauce and vice versa for ketchup if you prefer it a little sweeter.
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Now that your noodles are fried to order and your vegetable mix is ready, it is time to bring all elements together. Pour over the ready sauce into your bowlful of mixed vegetables. Toss the mixture with a spatula or wooden spoon until you are sure the sauce coats the vegetables. Mix in the crispy fried noodles. Toss everything lightly so that the noodles do not break. You want to coat the noodles more well with both the sauce and the vegetables so they do not lose their delightful crunch.
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More chopped spring onion greens will finish that off with a delectable creation. You are looking to add that fresh feel and pop of colour that makes your dish an appetizing sight to behold.
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These Chinese Bhel are crispy at their best when served fresh and warm. The serving is either family-style or individual, as people tend to like it. This dish is tasty on its own but best with a multitude of other Asian-inspired dishes.